Our Story

Since the 14th century, Wykehamists have been at the forefront of innovation, from bringing the table fork to England to inventing the Peak Flow Meter, to launching Innocent Drinks.

Like Old Wykehamist Matthew Arnold’s protagonist in The Scholar Gipsy, we often turn away from conventional methods of learning to new and unusual spheres, but always with a clear vision of progress: one aim, one business, one desire.

We are willing to be different, to adopt new and exciting ways of thinking and to innovate for the betterment of society.

Makyth Ventures, the College’s entrepreneurship hub, upholds and extends this legacy. We believe in the importance of lateral thinking and impactful imagination; the products of a holistic education. We are unashamedly curious, motivated by the world’s intricacies and how they can be reimagined to solve our most pressing challenges.

Our Values

Empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators to tackle tomorrow’s most pressing challenges.


01 Curiosity

Innovation stems from asking complex, weird and wonderful questions.

02 Responsibility

Innovative solutions should consider planet, purpose, people and profit in balanced measure.

03 Creativity

Innovators create through action, unwavering passion and commitment.

04 Inclusion

Innovating is not an intellectual game to be practised by few, but a vehicle for effecting change in the world for many, by many.


Our Team

Makyth Ventures is supported by a growing network of entrepreneurs, startup fanatics and experienced educators.



Chloe Nalbantian

Head of Makyth Ventures

Ex-McKinsey, financial services executive, current Bursar at Winchester College



Founder at Patch Plants

Founder at Alvius

Managing Founder at Geometry

Founder at Florence

Get in touch

Interested in collaborating or learning more about Makyth Ventures? We’d love to hear from you.